Duolingo English Test の全19種類の問題を徹底解説(練習問題・解答付き)

Duolingo English Test (DET)は、TOEFLやIELTSなどとは違ったユニークな問題が出題されるため、問題に慣れることがとても重要になってきます。

そこで、今回はDuolingo English Testで出題される14の問題形式、全19種類を練習問題も提示して解説していきます。

また今回提示する練習問題・解答は、弊社で作成したDuolingo English Test対策アプリ「DET Bridge」の問題から抜粋したものです。

Duolingo English Test対策のおすすめはこちら

Duolingo English Testはどんな問題が出る?

Duolingo English Testは以下のように、14個の問題形式、全19種類の問題が出題されます。

  1. Read and Select(単語を見て実在する単語か実在しない単語か選ぶ問題)
  2. Fill in the Blanks(単語穴埋め問題)
  3. Read and Complete(穴埋め問題)
  4. Read Aloud(音読問題)
  5. Listen and Type(聞き取り問題)
  6. Interactive Reading(複合読解問題)
    • Complete the Sentences(単語の穴埋め問題)
    • Complete the Passage(抜けている文章を選ぶ問題)
    • Highlight the Answer(質問の答えを文章内から選ぶ問題)
    • Identify the Idea(読解問題)
    • Title the Passage(適切な文章のタイトルを選ぶ問題)
  7. Interactive listening(リスニングとライティングの複合問題)
    • Listen and Respond(リスニング問題)
    • Summarize the Conversation(リスニング内容の要約問題)
  8. Write About the Photo(写真を見て文章で描写問題)
  9. Interactive Writing(複合筆記問題)
  10. Listen, Then Speak(問題を聞いた後、口頭で解答問題)
  11. Speak About the Photo(写真を見て口頭で描写問題)
  12. Read, Then Speak(問題を読んだ後、口頭で解答問題)
  13. Writing Sample(質問に対して記述回答する問題)
  14. Speaking Sample(質問に対して話して回答する問題)



例えば、Listen and Typeという3回音声を聞いてタイピングする問題は、問題が表示された瞬間に問題音声が始まるので、問題を知らないと貴重な1回の音声を無駄にすることになりかねません。


Read and Select(単語を見て実在するか実在しないか選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 画面に現れた単語が「実在する単語か」・「実在しない単語か」を選択する問題
  • 制限時間:1問5秒
  • 問題が現れると同時にタイマーのカウントが始まる
  • 出題される問題数:15〜18問
  • 表示される単語は、動詞、形容詞、副詞の変化系は全て正解として選択する
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」





ここからはDET Bridgeの実際の画面を表示するので、「単語が実在する単語か」・「実在しない単語」か考えてみてください。


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read and Select



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read and Select



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read and Select


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read and Select



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read and Select



  1. church:◯ (名詞)教会、教会堂
  2. slib:X
  3. profit:◯(名詞/動詞)利益、儲け;利益を得る、儲ける
  4. vrix:X
  5. lawyer:◯(名詞)弁護士

下記からDET Bridgeの無料練習問題が解けます。




Fill in the Blanks(単語穴埋め問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 画面に表示された英文に空欄を含む単語があり、その空欄の文字を入力する形式の問題
  • 空欄のある単語は、初めの数文字が表示されている
  • 1問あたりの解答時間:20秒
  • 問題が現れると同時にタイマーのカウントが始まる
  • 問題数は6〜9問
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」
  • ・答えの単語は、内容語、機能語
  • 内容後:一般動詞(has,have)、名詞(House,Car)、形容詞(many,such)、副詞(so,also)など
  • 機能後:be動詞(is,was)、冠詞(the,an)、前置詞(by,for)など


Fill in the Blanksでは、ただ単語を知っているかどうかではなく、文脈におけるその単語の使い方を知っているかどうかが評価されます。



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Fill in the Blanks


On this math exam, you will be allowed to [u][ ][ ] a calculator for the first ten questions only.


On this math exam, you will be allowed to [u][s][e] a calculator for the first ten questions only.

下記からDET Bridgeの無料練習問題が解けます。


Fill in the Blanksは減点方式ではないので、とにかく解答欄を埋めてください!


Read and Complete(穴埋め問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 画面に表示されたパッセージに空欄を含む単語があり、その空欄に適切な単語の文字を入力する形式の問題
  • 空欄のある単語は、初めの数文字が表示されている
  • 1問あたりの解答時間:3分
  • 問題が現れると同時にタイマーのカウントが始まる
  • 出題頻度:1回のテストにつき4〜6問
  • パッセージ単語:40〜100語(平均70〜80語)
  • 空欄のある単語数:1問につき8〜20語(平均約15語)
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」
  • 答えの90%は基本的な単語
  • ・答えの単語は、内容語、機能語
  • 内容語:一般動詞(has,have)、名詞(House,Car)、形容詞(many,such)、副詞(so,also)など
  • 機能語:be動詞(is,was)、冠詞(the,an)、前置詞(by,for)など



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read and Complete Lesson17


The Olympic Games is an important international event featuring summer and winter sports. Summer Olympic Games a□□ Winter Olympic Games are he□□ every four years. Originally, the anc□□□□ Olympic Games we□□ held in Ancient Greece at Olympia. The fi□□□ games were i□ 776 BC. They were held ev□□□ four years un□□□ the 6th cen□□□□ AD. The first “modern” Olympics happened in 1896 in Athens, Greece.


The Olympic Games is an important international event featuring summer and winter sports. Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games are held every four years. Originally, the ancient Olympic Games were held in Ancient Greece at Olympia. The first games were in 776 BC. They were held every four years until the 6th century AD. The first “modern” Olympics happened in 1896 in Athens, Greece.



  • and
  • held
  • ancient
  • were
  • first
  • in
  • every
  • until
  • century


この問題もFill in the Blanks同様に、とにかく埋めてください!


Read Aloud(音読問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 画面に表示された英文(1文)を音読する問題
  • 1問あたりの解答時間は20秒
  • 問題が現れると同時にタイマーのカウントが始まる
  • 1回のテストで4〜6問出題
  • 録音可能回数1回
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Comprehension」と「Conversation」


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read Aloud Lesson1


Some of the methods used for the development of the field are derived from safety engineering.



Record yourself saying the statement below.


Some of the methods used for the development of the field are derived from safety engineering.




Listen and Type(聞き取り問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • ディクテーション問題。再生される英語の音声を聞いてタイピングする問題
  • 1問あたりの解答時間:1分
  • 問題が現れると同時にタイマーのカウントが始まる
  • 1回のテストにつき4〜6問出題
  • 音声再生可能回数:3回
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Comprehension」と「Conversation」



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Listen and Type Lesson1



You should be careful when using the internet.


下記からDET Bridgeの無料練習問題が解けます。




Interactive Reading(複合読解問題)

Interactive Readingは、5種類の問題で構成されています。

  • Complete the Sentences
  • Complete the Passage
  • Highlight the Answer
  • Identify the Idea
  • Title the Passage

DET Bridge




  • 表示される英文を読んで、上記5形式の問題、合計6問に解答する
  • 解答方法は、「選択肢を選ぶ」、「質問の解答に該当する箇所をハイライトする」の2タイプがある
  • パッセージは物語形式や学術関連、ニュースなどが取り上げられる
  • 制限時間7〜8分(6問)
  • 回答を終えないと次の質問に進めない(質問の先読み不可)
  • 1度NEXTボタンを押すと前の問題に戻ることはできない


Complete the Sentences(単語の穴埋め問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • Interactive Readingの最初の問題
  • 英文の空欄に入る最も適切な単語を、選択肢の中から選ぶ問題
  • 時間配分:1分30秒くらい
  • すべて回答するまで「NEXT」ボタンはクリックできない
  • この英文は残り4形式の問題にも使用される
  • 英文の内容を把握しておく
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」


Interactive Readingのパッセージ内容は6問同じ内容です!


Complete the Passage(抜けている文章を選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • Complete the Sentencesの英文の続きが表示される
  • パッセージの空欄に入る最も適切なセンテンスを選択肢の中から選ぶ(パッセージの前半と後半の間に入る英文はどれか選択しましょう)
  • Complete the Passageの問題文は、先ほどのComplete the Sentencesの正解の単語が埋まった状態の英文と、その後半部分にあたる英文が表示される
  • 時間配分:2分くらい
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」
引用:Duolingo English Test

DET Bridge

Highlight the Answer(質問の答えを文章内から選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 表示される質問に対し、パッセージ中の該当部分をハイライトして解答する(※)
  • この問題形式は2問出題される
  • 時間配分:2問を2分
  • Complete the Passageの正解が埋まった状態のパッセージが表示される
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」
引用:Duolingo English Test





Identify the Idea(読解問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • パッセージ全体、または一部の趣旨を表す最も適切なセンテンスを選択肢から選ぶ問題
  • 時間配分:1分
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」

DET Bridge


Identify the Idea問題例の解答



Title the Passage(適切な文章のタイトルを選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • パッセージのタイトルとして最も適切なものを選択肢の中から選ぶ問題
  • 時間配分:30秒
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Comprehension」


この問題もパッセージの内容は先ほどのIdentify the Ideaと同じなので、内容理解ができていれば難しくはないはず!


Interactive Readingの問題は理解できましたか?


では、次にDET Bridgeの類似問題に挑戦してみましょう!


Complete the Sentences(単語の穴埋め問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Reading Lesson1


Jasmine had (1) as a (2) tutor throughout college and really enjoyed (3). She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also (4) working with younger people and (5) them figure out how (6) could do more with math.



  • finished
  • worked
  • left
  • him


  • dream
  • physics
  • psychology
  • math
  • side


  • myself
  • writing
  • school
  • it
  • running


  • found
  • helped
  • needed
  • loved


  • starting
  • helping
  • doing
  • with
  • teaching


  • it
  • humans
  • they
  • women

Complete the Passage(抜けている文章を選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Reading Lesson1


Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math.


One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


  1. Jasmine is happy with how things are going at her new job.
  2. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job.
  3. Jasmine had a math problem she wanted to solve.
  4. She went to her computer and began searching for information.

Highlight the Answer①(質問の答えを文章内から選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Reading Lesson1

What did Jasmine like about working as a math tutor?

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.

Highlight the Answer②(質問の答えを文章内から選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Reading Lesson1

What did Jasmine's new employer find attractive about Jasmine as a candidate for a work-at-home math tutor?

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.

Identify the Idea(読解問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Reading Lesson1

Select the idea that is expressed in the passage.

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


  1. The CEO had never felt so great in her life as when she hired Jasmine to be her office assistant.
  2. Jasmine has had experience babysitting children younger than four years old, so she thinks she will be a good tutor.
  3. Jasmine had always enjoyed math and tutoring, so she was excited to find a job as a work-at-home math tutor.
  4. Jasmine's new job is perfect for her because it pays well and has lots of opportunities to learn.

Title the Passage(適切な文章のタイトルを選ぶ問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Reading Lesson1

Select the best title for the passage.

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


  1. Did Jasmine Lose Her Keys?
  2. Jasmine's Math Book
  3. The Teacher's Assistant
  4. Jasmine's Career as a Math Tutor

Interactive Reading 練習問題の解答

Complete the Sentences解答


Jasmine had (1)worked as a (2)math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed (3)it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also (4)loved working with younger people and (5)helping them figure out how (6)they could do more with math.


(1)worked (2)math (3)it (4)loved (5)helping (6)they

Complete the Passage解答


Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math.

One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


2.Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job.


Highlight the Answer①解答

What did Jasmine like about working as a math tutor?


Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math.


Highlight the Answer②解答

What did Jasmine's new employer find attractive about Jasmine as a candidate for a work-at-home math tutor?


Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. 


Identify the Idea解答

Select the idea that is expressed in the passage.

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


3. Jasmine had always enjoyed math and tutoring, so she was excited to find a job as a work-at-home math tutor.


Title the Passage

Select the best title for the passage.

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.


4. Jasmine's Career as a Math Tutor


DET Bridge

Jasmine had worked as a math tutor throughout college and really enjoyed it. She loved seeing math come alive for her students; she also loved working with younger people and helping them figure out how they could do more with math. Now that she had graduated, she was looking for a job. One day, she saw an ad for a work-at-home math tutor. Jasmine was excited, since she had no plans after graduation. She applied for the job and soon got a call back. The woman who ran the company wanted to interview her in person, so Jasmine decided to go. Hessa, who ran the company, liked how focused and motivated Jasmine seemed. After they talked about the math she would need to help her students with, they accepted her as a tutor and gave her a schedule for her first set of students.



Interactive listening(リスニングとライティングの複合問題)

Listen and Respond

引用:Duolingo English Test

Summarize the Conversation

引用:Duolingo English Test

Interactive listeningは、Duolingo English Test公式から出ている情報は少なく、上記2種類の画像では問題の全ては把握できません...。

Interactive Readingと同様に、ほかの試験にはない形式の問題のため、しっかりとした対策をしておくことが重要です。

この問題形式では、DET Bridgeの問題を解きつつ、独自にまとめた問題説明も合わせてやっていきます。



  • 会話形式のリスニングとライティングが融合した問題
  • 問題形式はListen and RespondとSummarize the Conversationの2種類
  • 「学生と教授の会話」「2人の学生の会話」のパターンがある
  • 会話内容は「教授への質問・相談」「クラスメートへの相談」などがある
  • 受験者は、どちらも学生の立場で解答する
  • Summarize the Conversationでは、Listen and Respondで話した会話内容を要約してライティングする
  • 解答時間は「Listen and Respond」5-6問を4分間
  • 「Summarize the Conversation」1問を75秒間


Listen and Respond(リスニング問題)



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1


You will participate in a conversation about the scenario below.​

You are a college student. You talk with a college student friend about whether you would prefer to get a degree in physics or chemistry.​








引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1


  • 「自分」の発言から始まる場合
  • 「相手」の発言から始まる場合














① I think taking math would be better for my future, what do you think?

② I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?

③ Have you ever wondered about your major?

④ What should I major in to become a teacher?



I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?




DET Bridge



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1

You:I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?




① I'm interested in physics, where I can learn big concepts like quantum mechanics, but I'm also interested in chemistry, where I can learn about molecular structure.

② I'm more interested in history these days than in physics and science.

③ I've actually been interested in math and science since I was a little kid.

④ For the past few years I have been interested in physics and science.


I'm interested in physics, where I can learn big concepts like quantum mechanics, but I'm also interested in chemistry, where I can learn about molecular structure.





引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1

You:I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?

Friend:They both sound interesting, but which one interests you more?

You:I'm interested in physics, where I can learn big concepts like quantum mechanics, but I'm also interested in chemistry, where I can learn about molecular structure.




① That's right. Physics might be more theoretical and mathematical, but chemistry is more experimental.

② That's right. Chemistry is what many of my friends are majoring in.

③ That's right. Did you learn anything from reading?

④ That's right. I might be doing something else in the future.


That's right. Physics might be more theoretical and mathematical, but chemistry is more experimental.



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1

You:I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?

Friend:They both sound interesting, but which one interests you more?

You:I'm interested in physics, where I can learn big concepts like quantum mechanics, but I'm also interested in chemistry, where I can learn about molecular structure.

 Friend:Indeed, both are interesting fields. But I think you should choose according to what you want to do in the future.

You:That's right. Physics might be more theoretical and mathematical, but chemistry is more experimental.




① Whether it's pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge or innovating in industrial applications, there's something for everyone.

② You're spot on. The beauty of pursuing degrees in physics and chemistry lies in their applicability across various sectors.

③ Absolutely, the intersection of physics and chemistry opens doors to an exciting array of career possibilities.

④ That is correct. Both are attractive in terms of expanding my career options, but I have to consider which is the best choice for me in terms of your future career goals.


That is correct. Both are attractive in terms of expanding my career options, but I have to consider which is the best choice for me in terms of your future career goals.



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1

You:I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?

Friend:They both sound interesting, but which one interests you more?

You:I'm interested in physics, where I can learn big concepts like quantum mechanics, but I'm also interested in chemistry, where I can learn about molecular structure.

 Friend:Indeed, both are interesting fields. But I think you should choose according to what you want to do in the future.

You:That's right. Physics might be more theoretical and mathematical, but chemistry is more experimental.

Friend:Yes, that's true. With a physics degree, you can have a career as a researcher or engineer, and with a chemistry degree, you can have a career in the pharma industry or the materials science industry.

You:That is correct. Both are attractive in terms of expanding my career options, but I have to consider which is the best choice for me in terms of your future career goals.




① I understand today's lesson, thank you for sharing it with me!

② Thanks for your valuable opinion! It was helpful.

③ Thank you for inviting me, it was a pleasure!


Thanks for your valuable opinion! It was helpful.


以上で、Listen and Respondは終了です。


次にSummarize the Conversationという問題が出題されます。


Summarize the Conversation(リスニング内容の要約問題)

  • これまでの会話の要約を書く
  • 制限時間は75秒
  • 会話の内容は確認できない
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Production」
引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Listening Lesson1


I asked my friend whether a degree in chemistry or physics is better.

My friend said that I should choose depending on my career goals and listed several career paths for both chemistry and physics but didn’t persuade me to lean towards one or the other.





Summarize the Conversationは個人的には激ムズだと思っています...!



DET Bridgeでは、Duolingo English Test全ての問題をパート別で学習できるだけでなく、ライティング問題では英文AI添削も導入しています。





Interactive listening:会話内容


You: I've been torn between physics and chemistry lately, which do you think is better?​


Friend: They both sound interesting, but which one interests you more?​


You: I'm interested in physics because I can learn big concepts like quantum mechanics. But I'm also interested in chemistry because I can study molecular structures.​


Friend: Indeed, both are interesting fields. But I think you should choose according to what you want to do in the future.​

友人: 確かに、どちらも興味深い分野だね。でも、将来何をしたいかによって選んだ方がいいと思うよ。​

You: That's right. Physics might be more theoretical and mathematical, but chemistry is more experimental.​


Friend: Yes, that's true. With a physics degree, you can have a career as a researcher or engineer, and with a chemistry degree, you can have a career in the pharma industry or the materials science industry.​


You: That is correct. Both are attractive in terms of expanding your career options, but you have to consider which is the best choice for you in terms of your future career goals.​


Friend: I agree. It is important to choose carefully according to your interests and future goals. Whichever you choose, I believe you will do your best and succeed.​


You: Thanks for your valuable opinion! It was helpful.


Write About the Photo(写真を見て文章で描写問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 画面に表示された1枚の写真を英語で記述する問題
  • 1問あたりの解答時間は1分
  • 問題が現れると同時にタイマーのカウントが始まる
  • 1回のテストで3問出題
  • 写真は、人や動物、風景など様々
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Production」


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Write About the Photo

Write a description of the image below for 1 minute.



The man wearing glasses is holding a black-covered book with both hands. He is sitting on the green sofa with a yellow cushion. Behind him, several pictures with frames are hung on the wall.



下記からDET Bridgeの無料練習問題が解けます。




Interactive Writing(複合筆記問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • Interactive Writingの問題は、2ステップ
    • ステップ1:数センテンスで提示される質問に対して、自分の考えを5分以内に記述回答する問題がある
    • ステップ2:次に、ステップ1での解答に関連する質問が与えられ、3分以内に記述回答する
  • ステップ1のみ、質問文を20秒確認できる準備時間がある
  • ステップ2の質問文はステップ1回答中に確認することはできない
  • この問題が表示されると同時に、左上のタイマーもスタートする
  • 1回の試験で1問出題
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Production」



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Writing Lesson1


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Writing Lesson1


Are there any buildings in your city/town that you think are particularly beautiful or important?

Describe one in detail, and explain why you think it's unique or significant. ​



Are there any buildings in your city/town that you think are particularly beautiful or important?

Describe one in detail, and explain why you think it's unique or significant. ​





The building in my hometown that I find particularly beautiful and significant is Sendai Castle, for two primary reasons.

Firstly, it holds historical significance.

Visitors can explore the castle and learn about Masamune Date, who is the founder of the castle and ruled the entire Sendai area.

It includes the strategies he developed in various battles and how he lost his eye.

Secondly, the castle offers a stunning panoramic view of Sendai city from its location.

Visitors can admire the entire cityscape from the top of the castle. Additionally, the castle is accommodating to non-Japanese speakers, as it provides English explanations alongside historic materials.

It ensures that all visitors can appreciate and understand the castle's rich history.

For these reasons, I consider Sendai Castle to be a unique and essential landmark in my hometown.













引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Interactive Writing Lesson1


How does the architecture or design of this building represent art to you?

Include specific details that highlight why you think it has artistic elements or influence.



How does the architecture or design of this building represent art to you?

Include specific details that highlight why you think it has artistic elements or influence.





The Sendai Castle represents art to me from two perspectives.

Firstly, the symmetrical design of the castle's exterior adds significant artistic value.

When we take a closer look, the castle has exactly the same structure on all sides and it enhances its aesthetic appeal. Additionally, the use of historical materials in the castle's construction since the Edo era, is also artistic.

This aspect allows us to experience the aesthetic sense of past generations and it makes the castle an artistic symbol.







下記からDET Bridgeの無料練習問題が解けます。





Listen, Then Speak(問題を聞いた後、口頭で解答問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 数センテンスで音声のみで出題される問題に、話して解答する問題
  • 文章は表示されない
  • 1問当あたりの準備期間:20秒
  • 1問あたりの解答時間:1分30秒
  • 質問文の音声再生回数:3回
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Conversation」と「Production」


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Listen, Then Speak Lesson1


Speak about the topic 90 seconds.



Do you prioritize saving money or enjoying life experiences and adventures?




I want to prioritize saving money rather than enjoying life experiences and adventures, for three reasons.

Firstly, I want to save up some money for my kids and my family.

We don't know what's going to happen in the future; everything is unpredictable and uncertain.

By setting aside some money for our kids, maybe when something negative unexpectedly happens to them in the future, they can spend the money and handle the problems. Secondly, I want to save up some money for some enjoyment later in my life.

If I save a lot of money, I can spend it later in my life such as after retirement.

For example, I've been dreaming of traveling overseas with my future wife and kids after retirement, so saving up money for now means a lot to me to accomplish the goal.

Thirdly, saving a lot of money provides a sense of security and mental freedom.

If I know that I have financial stability, I can have more open and generous mindset.

These are the three reasons why I want to prioritize saving money over enjoying life experiences and adventures.
















Speak About the Photo(写真を見て口頭で描写問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 画面に表示された1枚の写真を口頭で描写する
  • Write About the Photoのスピーキング版とも言える問題
  • 1問あたりの準備時間は20秒
  • 画像が20秒間表示された後、自動的に録音が始まる
  • 解答時間は1分
  • 1回のテストにつき1問
  • 人や動物、風景など様々な画像が出題される
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Conversation」と「Production」



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Speak About the Photo Lesson12



Speak about the image below 90 seconds.

引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Speak About the Photo Lesson12



A small, adorable baby girl wearing a red dress is being held by her parents, who still look young and filled with joy. Her father is about to kiss her, and her mother can't help but laugh as she's extremely happy and fulfilled. The sentiment of her parents' happiness passes on to their daughter, and she also looks delighted, with a slight smile on her face.







Read, Then Speak(問題を読んだ後、口頭で解答問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 数センテンスで提示される質問に対して話して解答する問題
  • 1問当あたりの準備時間:20秒
  • 1問あたりの解答時間:1分30秒
  • 1回のテストにつき1問
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Conversation」と「Production」



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read, Then Speak Lesson1


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Read, Then Speak Lesson1


Talk about a recent achievement or accomplishment.​

- What did you accomplish?​

- How did it make you feel​

- What steps did you take to achieve it?​

- Why was it important to you?



I recently reached a milestone of completing a total of 600 hours of online English lessons. I have been dedicating 25 minutes to these lessons every day, and a total amount that I spent on this has finally reached 600 hours. When I realized that I had reached this milestone, I felt a strong sense of accomplishment. Although the number itself doesn’t have any specific significance, the fact that I have consistently worked on improving my English proficiency over the past few years made me feel proud of myself. I’ve been making efforts to schedule my lessons before starting to work, as I know that I often feel so exhausted that I can’t spend much time to do so after work. This milestone is meaningful to me because I have been passionate about the English since my junior high school days, and I have continued to pursue English learning ever since. It would not be an exaggeration to say that English has become a part of my identity, so this achievement is valuable to me.










Talk about a recent achievement or accomplishment.​


- What did you accomplish?​


- How did it make you feel​


- What steps did you take to achieve it?​


- Why was it important to you?


下記からDET Bridgeの無料問題が解けます。




Writing Sample(質問に対して記述回答する問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 数センテンスで表示される質問に対して文字を打ち込んで解答する問題。
  • 準備期間:30秒
  • 解答時間:5分
  • 1回のテストにつき1問
  • この問題の最大の特徴は、出願先団体へ書いた内容が自動的に提出されること
  • なので入学審査官に見られる可能性も意識して解答する
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Literacy」と「Production」



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Writing Sample Lesson1


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Writing Sample Lesson1


Name a film that had a big impact on you. What about the film was so memorable?

What did you learn from the story? Include specific details in your answer.​



A Perfect World is a film that had a significant impact on me for two reasons. Firstly, it was memorable because it depicted the relationship between a young boy and a male criminal. Both lost their fathers while they were still children, and I could relate to that to some extent. The protagonist boy lost his father in his childhood, and he always missed him. Similarly, my father was so busy with his work and rarely present when I was a child, so I could empathize with his feelings, making the story memorable for me. Additionally, the film was counterintuitive in the sense that the character Butch, a criminal, is portrayed as a good person. We often perceive criminals as dangerous and avoid getting close to them, but in this film, Butch showed kindness by defending his son against strangers who spanked him for bad behavior. What I learned from the story is that we shouldn't judge people based on their appearances or titles.













Name a film that had a big impact on you.What about the film was so memorable?

What did you learn from the story? Include specific details in your answer.​





Speaking Sample(質問に対して話して回答する問題)

引用:Duolingo English Test


  • 数センテンスで表示される質問に対して話して解答する問題
  • Read, Then Speakとほぼ一緒
  • Read, Then Speakとの違いは「準備期間」「解答時間」が長めに設定されていること
  • 出願先団体へ書いた内容が自動的に提出される
  • 準備時間:30秒
  • 解答時間:3分
  • 1回のテストにつき1問
  • 測定されるサブスコアは「Conversation」と「Production」



引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Speaking Sample Lesson1


引用:Duolingo English Test対策「DET Bridge」:Speaking Sample Lesson1


How might certain foods or ingredients be understood as representative of the culture(s) they come from?

Provide support from your personal experience and/or observations to support your opinion.​



For certain foods to be understood and recognized as representative of a culture, two main factors come into play.

Firstly, it has to be a staple food or have a long history of consumption within the community.

Take rice in Japan, for example. It has been a staple food in Japanese cuisine for centuries, possibly even before the Heian or Edo eras.

Its long-term presence in Japanese meals creates its cultural significance.

Secondly, it's also important for the food to gain recognition through exposure to and acceptance by people from different cultures.

When foreigners visit Japan and try dishes like sushi, which is made from rice, they may become enthusiasts and spread the word about its deliciousness when they return home.

As a result, sushi becomes popular worldwide, not just in Japan.

This process of promotion contributes to the  food being understood as a representative of the culture. In this way, for certain food to be recognized as symbol of a culture, it often requires both historical significance within the community and exposure to individuals from other backgrounds.













How might certain foods or ingredients be understood as representative of the culture(s) they come from?

Provide support from your personal experience and/or observations to support your opinion.​








Duolingo English Testの19種類の問題は理解できましたか?Duolingo English TestはTOEFLやIELTSとは違った独自の問題が多いので、何回も問題を解いて慣れてくださいね。

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